Dabble is your tool

Dabble is a powerful (yet easy-to-use!) writing tool designed to help novelists bring their stories to life.
With a range of features designed to support writers at every stage of the writing process, Dabble offers unparalleled plotting, writing, editing, and publishing capabilities.
Whether you're just starting out with a new idea, or you're looking to make final revisions before publishing, Dabble has everything you need to take your writing to the next level.

Overall Features

Drag-and-drop story elements organizes everything.

The Cloud simplifies

  • Available on PC, Mac, Chromebook, & Linux
  • Mobile support for tablet and phone, iOS and Android
  • Cloud storage (redundant backups)
  • Auto-sync

Dark Theme


  • Import from anywhere on paste
  • Export manuscript, plot, & notes


Planning Features

Plot Grids

  • Plot Lines
  • Plot points
  • Plot labels

Story notes

  • Images in notes
  • Bullet points, headers, formatting

Manuscript view


Writing Features

Productivity & Focus

  • Auto-focus, auto-focus disabling
  • Typewriter scrolling
  • Auto-formatting
  • Chapter auto-numbering
  • Book formatting options
  • Font selection
  • Dyslexic and comic sans fonts


  • Project Goals
  • Daily Goals
  • NaNoWriMo word count sync

Supported Book Features

  • Prologues
  • Novel Subtitles
  • Images in Manuscript
  • Black highlight (redacted text)

Author Helps

  • Thesaurus
  • Word & Page Counts

Editing Features

Safety nets

  • Duplicate projects
  • Versioning (coming soon)

Find & replace, project wide

Split & join chapters & scenes

Spelling, Grammar & Style check

Read to me


  • Comments
  • Text highlight
  • Strikethrough
  • Sticky Notes

Publishing and Sharing Features

Export to Word

Share on Web

Book cover & chapter images

Share Goals progress

Vote for and request the features you want to see on Dabble:

Feature Requests

Let your story unfold.

Start your 14-day free trial
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